29 março 2011


O Wall Street Journal analisa alguma das lições do resgate à Irlanda que nos poderão vir a ser úteis dentro em breve, quando uma eventual ajuda external for activada. Aqui está um excerto do artigo do WSJ, que pode ser lido aqui:

"The problems facing Portugal seem less complex, if no less serious. Its banks may be in difficulty, but not to anything like the same extent as Ireland's, and voters appear less convinced that the problems that do exist can be laid at the feet of the outgoing government.
But Portuguese voters should be given the chance to look back over the sequence of events that has led to their nation's parlous financial position, decide on its root causes, and who they want to fix them. Only then can an agreement be reached with the EU and IMF on the terms of the likely bailout.
Of course, they don't have a limitless amount of time in which to do that. The money is running out, and if Portugal can't elect a new government quickly enough to negotiate a deal before the June repayments, it's going to have to borrow in the bond markets, whatever the price. To keep a lid on the cost of doing democracy properly, the Portuguese are going to need help. And the only European institution that can supply that right now is the European Central Bank."

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