25 fevereiro 2008


Nicholas Kristof, o famoso jornalista do New York Times, foi ao Quénia para conhecer as raízes de Barack Obama. Tencionava visitar e entrevistar a avó de Obama, mas não teve sorte (ou melhor, não conseguiu, porque recusou-se a pagar pela entrevista, assim como queriam alguns familiares da senhora. Mesmo assim, Kristof escreveu um artigo que vale a pena ler. Também vale a pena ver o video da peça. Aqui está um cheirinho:
"Frankly, I worry that enemies of Senator Obama will seize upon details like his grandfather’s Islamic faith or his father’s polygamy to portray him as an alien or a threat to American values. But snobbishness and paranoia ill-become a nation of immigrants, where one of our truest values is to judge people by their own merits, not their pedigrees. If we call ourselves a land of opportunity, then Mr. Obama’s heritage doesn’t threaten American values but showcases them. The stepgrandson of an illiterate, barefoot woman in this village of mud huts in Africa may be the next president of the United States. Such mobility — powered by education, immigration and hard work — is cause not for disparagement but for celebration." Sem dúvida nenhuma.

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